E-Mail Solutions
Electronic mail has become a major part in today's business communication process. Therefore it is essential that your e-mail servers operate absolutely perfect. With more than five years of experience with large e-mail systems, our experts have seen all kinds of common and uncommon issues related to e-mail services. This starts with fighting incoming spam attacks, viruses that are being sent through your network or even being blackmailed by so called blacklist operators.
Why not use e-mails provided by shared hosting offers for your company?
Whilst shared hosting offers normally provide an excellent value for money ratio, there are some tradeoffs to take into account, especially concerning e-mailing:
Performance: If the use of IMAP is allowed in a shared hosting environment, its performance often isn't very good due to its huge requirements to disk write and read processes. In addition performance depends a lot on the behavior of all other users on the same server. A dedicated e-mail server can be optimized for your company, depending on the number of users and the typical workload.
Security: On shared hosting servers it is not possible to provide a SSL certificate owned by your company, but you have to share the hosting provider's certificate with all other users.
Flexibility: Shared hosting environments often lack flexibility when you need to implement customer rules or modules at server level.
Features: Furthermore support for collaboration tools like shared calendars or shared address books is limited or not possible at all on shared systems.
What e-mail service can we offer your company?
We can setup an e-mail system that is optimized for your company. During a detailed analysis of your requirements we will define the specifications of all three processes that are typically involved on an e-mail server:
Incoming E-Mails: Today more than 90 percent of all e-mail traffic is spam. Therefore it is very important to block a large number of these spam mails as early as possible, which can be done by using blacklists and or techniques like greylisting. The e-mails that pass the first protection level can be analyzed using content and virus filters. If the e-mail is not blocked by these filters, the message can either be directly delivered to the end users mailbox, or a specific action can be taken based on the rules setup on your server. For example a copy of every incoming e-mail could be sent to an archive storage.
E-Mail storage: Once a new e-mail has been delivered to the customers inbox, there are different protocols to access it: POP3 or IMAP. While POP3 is commonly used to download the message to a local computer, IMAP is used if the message has to stay accessible on the server. While access to stored e-mails is faster using POP3, IMAP makes it easier for companies to keep backups of their e-mails. A third alternative is the MAPI protocol used by Microsoft Exchange.
Outgoing E-Mails: Having a certain control over outgoing e-mails is important to detect infected computers in your own network. The early detection and blocking of infected workstations is important in order to minimize the risk of being blacklisted. Other features like archiving outgoing e-mails can also be implemented at this level.